A comic tale set in the fantastical, miserable hamlet of Brood, The Wooden Breeks conjures up a world peopled by a cast of dreamers, schemers, and various sets of would-be lovers. Tormented by the memory of a beautiful young woman he adored and lost, and saddled with the bastard child left behind as a painful reminder of their doomed romance, a village tinker-turned-poet tries to ease his pain by conjuring up a theatrical tale for the young boy as they sit in front of the dying embers of their hearth. The cast features Louis Cancelmi, Veanne Cox, Maria Dizzia, Jaymie Dornan, Ron Cephas Jones, Steve Mellor, Ana Reeder, Adam Rothenberg and T. Ryder Smith.
The Wooden Breeks began performances at the Lortel on February 3. Its limited engagement is scheduled to end on March 11.